Polish Lowland Sheepdog

PONs in exchange for a fine horned ram. A deal was made for a ram and a ewe in exchange for two females and one male dog. It is believed that these three dogs were part ancestors of the Bearded Collie found in Scotland to which they bear close resemblance both in appearance and character.
The PON is an excellent worker of sheep and will work well with cattle. In recent years, it has gained some following in cities as a pet dog. Most people living in the towns of Poland live in apartments. Hence, the size of the PON is well suited to apartment life.
The dogs are intelligent, active, hardy and attractive. They are a hard working breed, obedient and fearless, good tempered with man and other dogs, but when working with sheep, will attack any fox that threatens the flock. They are sturdy dogs, in a well-balanced way, showing spirit and good sense.
They are good natured and gentle with children. For generations, they have been used as guards for the peasants. They are often aloof and suspicious towards strangers, but remarkably loyal to all members of the family.
Other Names Body Type Personality Coat Health Concerns
Back to TopPolski Owczarek, Nizinny and PON
AKC Group: Miscellaneous
Breed Club: American Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club
Rescue Club:
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- Well balanced due to a strong skeleton
- Height: male, 18-20 inches, female, 17-19 inches (measured at the withers)
- Stable and self confident
- Needs a dominant master and consistent training from a very young age. If this is not provided, they tend to dominate the master
- When not used as a herding or working dog, they can be a magnificent companion as he seems to fit into any type of lifestyle
- Extremely loyal, but somewhat aloof and suspicious of strangers
- Faults: nervous, cowardly or extreme vicious behavior
- Doubled coated
- The entire body is covered with a long, dense, shaggy, thick coat that is reasonably straight
- The undercoat is soft and dense
- Characteristically, long hanging hair covers the eyes
- A slight wavy coat is acceptable
- All coat colors are acceptable
- The most common colors are white with either black, gray or sandy patches and gray with white, or chocolate. Most carry a dominant fading factor genetically, which results in puppies being born darker in coat color than they will appears as adults, with the exception of those puppies born white
Health Concerns:
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