Standard Schnauzer Adopt a Standard Schnauzer Today!
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Standard Schnauzer

Country/Date of Origin: Germany/1400s

Schnauzers come in three sizes: Miniature, Giant and Standard. The two extremes are believed to have sprung from the middle or standard size which is at least five hundred years old. Although the smaller member of the trio is considered a terrier by the American Kennel Club, the two larger Schnauzers--also with obvious terrier origins--are classified as working dogs. These Germanic members of the terrier tribe are less fiery than their British cousins and eminently suited for a life of service. Standard Schnauzers are in demand around the world as guardians and police dogs. Standard Schnauzers were imported into the United States for show purposes in the 1920s.

Other Names Body Type Personality Coat Health Concerns

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AKC Group: Working

Breed Club: Standard Schnauzer Club of America

Rescue Club: Standard Schnauzer Club of America Rescue

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Body Type:

  • A stocky dog, the Standard Schnauzer has a decidedly square shape. Typical rough-coated terrier appearance
  • Has distinctive arched eyebrows, bristly mustache and whiskers
  • Height: 17-19 inches (at shoulder)
  • Weight: 30-50 pounds
  • Tail is set moderately high and carried erect. It is always docked to not less than one inch or more than two inches
  • The ears are set high. They can be either cropped and erect or natural and folded


  • A serious minded worker. The Standard Schnauzer takes its duties as a home protector to heart
  • Tends to be a one-person dog
  • A good playmate for children. Enjoys joining in rough and tumble activities
  • Not only intelligent, but trainable


  • Tight, hard, wiry and as thick as possible, it is composed of a soft, close undercoat and a harsh outer coat
  • Allowed colors are pepper-and-salt or pure black. The gray salt and peppers are the most common. The grizzle color is the result not of a mixture of light and dark hairs, but of "agouti" coloration that has banded patterns of light and dark on a single hair
  • Grooming requires the plucking or stripping of long, dead hairs. Eyebrows and beard need shaping with scissors
  • Professional grooming may be necessary

Health Concerns:

  • Prone to hip dysplasia
  • Generally healthy overall
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Tasty Tidbits:
  • In 1879, the winner of the first show in which the then named Wirehaired Pinschers were exhibited was named Schnauzer. He was such a superior animal that his name became generic for the entire breed. It was a most suitable name too, because in German the word, Schnauze means "muzzle" or "face" especially pointing out the hallmark beard and mustache
  • Salt and pepper is the more common color by far. It will prove difficult to find a solid black puppy to purchase

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