
Country/Date of Origin: Hungary/800s
The Komondor and the Kuvasz, the two large white sheep dogs of Hungary, were first used by the nomadic Magyars to protect their herds from predators, both animal and human. These giant guardians are always white, a color that allowed the shepherd to tell his dogs from the wolves which were darker in color. The actual origins of the dogs is obscure but the Hungarians say they have guarded the herds "since the beginning of time" and leave it at that. Old drawings show us that the Komondor has not changed much in the last five hundred years.
Other Names Body Type Personality Coat Health Concerns
Back to TopNone
AKC Group: Working
Breed Club: Komondor Club of America
Rescue Club: Komondor Club of America Rescue
Back to TopBody Type:
- A very large sheep guarding breed with a unique coat of shaggy cords that hides its expression and intentions
- Height: 26-32 inches (at shoulder)
- Weight: 80-135 pounds
- The natural tail is long and never altered
- Medium sized, hanging ears are not altered. Komondors do not move their ears even when they are on the alert
- Strictly a one-man dog. Even then, there is often a struggle for dominance
- Dignified. Only puppies romp and play
- Suspicious and uneasy in strange environments
- Do not seek friendship and do not tolerate being insulted either
- Quiet; Komondorok hardly ever bark. This makes them very dangerous as they do not warn before attacking
- Unusual, double coat resembles long, white ribbons of felted or matted material and consists of a coarse outercoat and soft, woolly undercoat that intertwine to form tassel-like cords
- It is parted in the middle and hangs down over the head, body and legs
- Color is always white
- Grooming is very demanding. However, Komondorok should not be brought to a professional groomer. They do not like strangers and may attack without warning
Health Concerns:
- Prone to hip dysplasia
- Bloat
- Eye irritations
Tasty Tidbits: