Country/Origin: Great Britain/11th Century
The Talbot Hound, brought to Great Britain by William the Conqueror, is believed to be an ancestor of the Beagle, as well as the Irish Kerry Beagles. The origin of the word Beagle is not set in stone; it is thought that it may stem from the French begueule, which colloquially means "loudmouth." The nose of a hound is a statement with a good foundation, and a Beagle is no exception to it; Beagles have superb noses, friendly personalities and passive natures; these second two characteristics make them the dog of choice for thousands of people around the globe.
Most Beagles enjoy a life expectancy of 12-15 years. They are usually healthy, but, as a breed, they do have a few common health problems:
- Ear Infections due to their long, floppy ears, which create the perfect environment for bacteria warm, dark and moist. This condition can be treated successfully by regular cleaning and medication
- Distichiasis when the eyelashes grow into the eye, causing irritation. Sometimes requires surgery
- Obesity the Beagle's playfulness and gentle nature often results in overfeeding; most Beagles will overeat if given the chance. This can lead to weight-related issues, such as hip dysplasia and heart trouble
- Congenital Heart Disease some lines are prone CHD. It can sometimes be successfully maintained by medication
- Seizures and Epilepsy these disorders are manageable with medication.
Arthritis many Beagles, especially those who were active when they were younger, are afflicted with arthritis in old age